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 Hirsimaan Totti  S 14307 DTranslation of breeding values to phenotypic values
Born: 05.07.2004 Kauhava
Breeder: Hanhimäki Erkki
Color: LSK
Breed: LSK
EU-Identification: FI000007818900-5
Animal ID : 7818900
Int.ID: FIN000000014307

Sire:P.Manu  SSS 13815 D
PGS:Touhu  SSS 13574 D
PGD:Ento  50-0294275SSS
Dam:Karpalo 50-0304060SSS
MGS:M.Ikituuri  SSS 14006 C
MGD:Apila  0303369S
MGGS: T.Jäppi  SSS 13763 C

 Total merit index: -607.01.2025
Production 103 _________|XX_______
Milk-kg 107 _________|XXX______
Fat-% 102 _________|X________
Fat-kg 106 _________|XXX______
Prot.-% 90 _____XXXX|_________
Prot.kg 102 _________|X________
Persistency 110 non-pers. _________|XXXX_____ persistant
Fertility 94 ______XXX|_________
Birth 107 _________|XXX______
Calving 84 __XXXXXXX|_________
Still birth sire 108 _________|XXXX_____
Still birth mgs 79 <XXXXXXXX|_________
Calving ease (sire) 105 _________|XX_______
Calving ease (mgs) 105 _________|XX_______
NRR (male fertility, not NAV val.)  
Growth 89 ____XXXXX|_________
Udder health 89 ____XXXXX|_________
Cell count 108 _________|XXXX_____
Milkability 89 ____XXXXX|_________
Leakage 104 _________|XX_______
Other treatments 94 ______XXX|_________
Temperament 104 _________|XX_______
Longevity 90 bad _____XXXX|_________ good
Youngstock survival 105 _________|XX_______
Saved feed 116 bad _________|XXXXXXX__ good
Conformation 80___90__100__110__120 
Frame 93   ______XXX|_________  
Stature 93 short ______XXX|_________ tall
Angularity 114 coarse _________|XXXXXX___ angular
Chest width 90 narrow _____XXXX|_________ wide
Body depth 84 shallow __XXXXXXX|_________ deep
Topline 104 very weak _________|XX_______ upwards
Rump angle 110 high pins _________|XXXX_____ low pins
Rump width 80 narrow pins _XXXXXXXX|_________ wide pins
Feet & Legs 113 bad _________|XXXXXX___ good
Rear legs rear view 98 toes out ________X|_________ parallel, bow-legged
HockQuality 122 filled _________|XXXXXXXX> dry
BoneQuality 123 coarse _________|XXXXXXXX> fine and thin
Rear legs side view 106 straight _________|XXX______ sickled
Foot angle   low steep
Hoof angle 98 low ________X|_________ steep
Udder conformation 92 _____XXXX|_________
Fore udder attachment 79 loose <XXXXXXXX|_________ strong
Fore teat length 98 short (30 mm) ________X|_________ long (70 mm)
TeatThickness 81 thin (15 mm) _XXXXXXXX|_________ thick (31 mm)
Udder balance 95 deep rear udder _______XX|_________ deep front udder
Rear udder height 120 low _________|XXXXXXXX_ high
Rear attachment width 108 narrow _________|XXXX_____ wide
Central ligament 111 weak _________|XXXXX____ strong
Udder depth 91 deep _____XXXX|_________ high
Rear teat placement 107 wide _________|XXX______ close
Fore teat placement 92 wide _____XXXX|_________ close
 Phone: +358 20747 2020 email: faba@faba.fi